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Električna friteza za krafne 30Lit-na ormariću

549,00  (+PDV)

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Električna friteza za krafne 30Lit-na ormariću
Friteza ima jednu široku košaru
Termostatska regulacija temperature između 50°C i 200°C
Svjetlo indikatora temperature
Drške otporne na toplinu
Friteza ima jednu slavinu za ispust ulja
Friteza je postavljena na ormariću s dvoje vrata
Rešetka za skupljanje ostataka prženja
Stoji na 4 noge s gumenim stoperima
Vrlo robusna konstrukcija
Higijenski dizajn jedinice – lako se čisti.

Električna friteza za krafne 30Lit-na ormariću  –  TEHNIČKI PODATCI :

Neto težina: 35 kg
Dimenzije košare: Š470 x D275 x V95 mm
Dimenzije uređaja: Š590 x D525 x V915 mm
Ukupna električna snaga: 4,8 kW
Priključni napon : 400/3/50 Hz

Pogledaj ovdje ostale modele friteza za izradu krafni.

How to make delicious cake donuts that work with automatic donut machines?

We’ve seen our clients from all over the world tweak and experiment with recipes and come up with amazing creations. Here are a few selected ones that work amazingly well and have been liked internationally.

We have tested and tweaked these recipes to work perfectly with STOK Engineering’s automatic donut-making machines. Below you will find details on how to prepare them.

Try to mix no longer than 3-5 minutes. The dough must be semi-liquid and tear from your mixer or paddle when you raise it, as per the video above. Avoid mixing for too long or too fast because the gluten makes the dough elastic and it will not work with automatic machines. These physical properties of the dough are important for any recipes. If the mix gets too thick, just add some more yogurt and mix again.