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SALADET hlađeni radni stol

Prikazuje se svih 5 rezultata

SALADET hlađeni radni stol – Praktični rashladni radni stol idealan za izradu i finishing salade u restoranu ili pogotovo FAST FOOD objektu.

SALADET hlađeni radni stol uštedite vrijeme s pultom za salate
Budući da je u mogućnosti čuvati i pohraniti sve što je potrebno za pripremu predjela, salata.

Sovim stolom kuhar ima više vremena za kreiranje svježih recepata i posvetiti se novim tehnikama na dobrobit gostiju.

Pošto je hlađenog režima, pult za salate osigurava svježinu namirnica, za savršenu prezentaciju konačnog proizvoda.

Ako ste voljni saznati više, pogledajte mnogobrojne saladet solucije na našoj web stranici!


General specifications for the different models of saladette counter include inner and outer AISI 304 stainless steel

for easy cleaning and kitchen hygiene. The saladette counter comes with rounded inside corners, so that nothing

can be trapped in places where it is hard to clean. The units are 40mm thick and are isolated with CFC-free

polyurethane injected at high-pressure. Doors come with a magnetic seal so that they can be easily kept shut.

In addition to these innovations, there is an electronic temperature control panel, self-regulating defrost and

evaporation of any condensation, an opening for easy access to the engine compartment, ergonomic handles

and height-adjustable legs. Last but not least, the saladette counter is HACCP certified.