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Posuđe i pribor za sushi

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Posuđe i pribor za sushi – Raznovrsni i mnogobrojni artikli korisni za uporabu pri izradi i posluživanju zalogaja sushi.

Svi artikli iz ovog područja su tradicijski idejom i izgledom japanski, materijali uporabljeni pri izradi su EKOloški prihvatljivi, najčeće bambusovo drvo.

Posuđe i pribor za sushi su počesto načinjeni i od keramike kao i od kaolina, boje kojim su tretirani proizvodi nisu toksične.

As with any foodstuff, ensuring the health of the consumer is of utmost concern. Sushi raises particular concerns because of the existence of parasites in raw fish. The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) both recommend that raw fish be flash frozen at −4°F (−20°C) for three to five days to kill parasitic worms. This process of flash freezing the fish usually takes place at sea. At the wholesalers, the frozen fish is sliced into small, rectangular sections and wrapped in plastic. Still rock hard, the sliced fish is then shipped to the factory.

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